Ver Angola


Angola wants to build a bus factory to reduce imports and export

The Government clarified this Tuesday that, of the investment of around 350 million dollars (323.5 million euros) announced for the purchase of buses, around 97 million dollars (90 million euros) will be allocated to the construction of a vehicle factory, to reduce dependence on imports.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

The Ministry of Transport states, in a statement, that the start of construction of the factory, in an investment estimated at around 97 million dollars (90 million euros), also aims to promote the country's industrial autonomy, with a view to exporting vehicles to neighboring countries.

In the document, the ministry emphasizes that "the decision to acquire 600 Volvo buses is an integral part of the Public Transport Expansion Program", with the acquisition of 'standard' buses expected.

The first bus assembly factory will be built in the Barra do Dande Free Trade Zone, Bengo province, he said.

According to the document, the public transport fleet across the country has been reinforced in the last five years with 1907 buses, with a maximum capacity to transport 40 million passengers monthly.

The current public transport fleet, it is added, requires a minimum reinforcement of 1500 buses, in addition to the introduction of other transport systems such as the 'Bus Rapid Transit' (BRT), the surface metro "and the efficient operation of urban and interurban railway systems".

The ministry highlights that this reinforcement could amount to up to 2700 buses, "so that public transport can respond to the increased needs of the Angolan population".

"It was precisely within the scope of the introduction of this measure and the firm commitment to providing the entire Angolan population with mobility conditions, that the Ministry of Transport developed the necessary contacts for the acquisition of new buses – 600 of the Volvo brand immediately – and for the construction of an assembly plant for them, which allows the country to enjoy the autonomy it currently does not have", contrary to what "has been wrongly stated in the last two days", he explains.

"The executive's objective – in this case through the actions of the Ministry of Transport – is clear. To create the mobility conditions that citizens need in the capital and in the remaining provinces, and to create conditions that allow in the medium term not to depend solely and exclusively on import", he adds.


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