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TAAG puts an end to the agreement with Hi-Fly and resumes full Luanda-Lisbon flights

The national airline TAAG ended the agreement with the Portuguese Hi-Fly, which had been concluded in 2022 to reinforce the operation on the Luanda-Lisbon route with an Airbus A330.

: Facebook TAAG - Linhas Aéreas de Angola
Facebook TAAG - Linhas Aéreas de Angola  

The information, to which Lusa had access this Tuesday, was released by the executive president of the national carrier, Nelson Rodrigues, during the opening of a store on Friday.

"TAAG has restarted or resumed its flight DT 652, which departs from Luanda at 12:30 pm, ending the service provided by HiFly. Currently only TAAG will operate flights to Lisbon, whether the DT 652 or the DT 650 departing at 11:50 pm".

The agreement with the Portuguese private company, signed in June 2022, provided for the rental of an aircraft to HIFy on a 'wetlease' basis, with HiFly being responsible for providing the plane with a full crew, maintaining and insuring the aircraft, being compensated by TAAG aircraft operating hours.

The decision was justified, at the time, with the maintenance work taking place on TAAG's international fleet, namely the Boeing 777-300ER, allowing the operation to continue on a preferential connection with a large volume of traffic (Luanda-Lisbon-Luanda).

HiFly is a private airline specializing in the freight of commercial aircraft with crew, maintenance and insurance included.


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