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First class of Escola 42 Luanda starts with more than 100 students

A total of 150 students were chosen, from a universe of thousands of candidates from all over the country, to join the first class of Escola 42 Luanda.

: Jornal de Angola
Jornal de Angola  

According to a statement from the establishment, cited by Jornal de Angola, it was on Monday that this first class began.

Thus, over a period of 16 to 18 months, students will have the opportunity to learn basic programming concepts, such as its fundamental bases, through the development of first projects.

Furthermore, they will also be able to develop fundamental techniques for solving problems, creativity, critical thinking, communication, teamwork, leadership, among others, whose objective is to prepare students to face the challenges of the job market, writes Jornal de Angola.

Using its Facebook page, the school congratulated the graduates of this first class. "Congratulations to our cadets who masterfully and resiliently overcame all the challenges of the 'Pool'! Today, they are proudly part of the first class of programmers at 42 Luanda. We wish them all success on this new journey", the publication reads.

To choose these more than 100 students, candidates underwent the last selection phase, called 'Pool', which involved an intensive period of four weeks, in which candidates dedicated at least approximately 10 hours a day, having to demonstrate courage, resilience, ability to work in groups, among others.

It is worth remembering that the inauguration of Escola 42 Luanda, whose godmother is the first lady of the Republic, Ana Dias Lourenço, took place in July last year, being aimed at training technology professionals in the country.


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