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Parliament generally approves amendments to the Anti-Doping in Sports Law

This Friday, the National Assembly generally approved the proposal to amend the Law on Anti-Doping in Sports, sent “urgently” by President João Lourenço to parliament, to meet the requirements of international standards.


After the first amendment in March, the Law on Anti-Doping in Sport returned to the plenary of the National Assembly to amend six articles "out of alignment" with international standards, especially with the World Anti-Doping Code.

The document, presented to the plenary by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Rui Falcão, includes changes to points that must also comply with the standards of the International Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Representative Leonor Garibaldi de Lima, who made the presentation, highlighted the purposes of reviewing the law, "which is to align national legislation with international standards in this field.

The deputy said that despite the effort made to approve the diploma in March, after sending and consulting WADA, "it was found that there was still some misalignment" between what was foreseen in the law and what was required by international regulations.

"These misalignments can lead to international sanctions, including the exclusion of national athletes from international competitions and the loss of opportunities for international sporting events," she stressed.

During the debates, deputies Crispiniano dos Santos (MPLA), Adriano Sapinãla (UNITA), Odeth Tavares (MPLA, former international handball player) and Florbela Malaquias (PHA) converged on the need to change the Anti-Doping Law in Sports to guarantee the presence of Angolan athletes in international competitions.

The proposed law to amend the Anti-Doping in Sports Law passed unanimously and goes to the specialty committees of the National Assembly.

The proposed laws on the remuneration status of the heads of bodies and services of local authorities and the organic law on municipal guards were also approved in general and unanimously at this Fifth ordinary plenary meeting.

The next plenary meeting is scheduled for June 19th.


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