Ver Angola


Lunda Sul in the sights of Zambians. Entrepreneurs interested in investing in sectors such as agriculture and poultry farming

Zambian businessmen are interested in investing in the province of Lunda Sul, particularly in the farming, agriculture, poultry farming, commerce, tourism and mining sectors.

: Facebook Governo Lunda-Sul
Facebook Governo Lunda-Sul  

The expression of interest was expressed by Boniface Mussumali, consul general of Zambia in the eastern region of Angola, this Monday, in a meeting he held with the governor of the province of Lunda Sul, Daniel Félix Neto.

According to a statement from the Government of Lunda Sul, to which VerAngola had access, the meeting discussed, among others, matters related to cooperation between Angola and Zambia.

The meeting also served to talk about the "installation of a Zambian consulate in Saurimo" and also about "sending young Angolans residing in Lunda Sul to the Republic of Zambia for academic and professional training".

At the time, Boniface Mussumali considered the province abundant in resources, which is why there is a need for a partnership between the local and Zambian business classes to implement projects, and also mentioned the possibility of starting to implement the plan in the near future, writes the Angop.

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