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Raw Materials

Diamantino Azevedo: “With cut diamonds and refined gold, we have a sufficient basis for the installation of the jewelry industry”

With cut diamonds and refined gold, the country has the “sufficient base” to install the “jewelry industry”, considered Diamantino Azevedo, Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, in statements to the press, this Thursday, at Cuito (Bié), where he is to preside over the ninth meeting of the ministry's Advisory Council, which took place this Friday.

: Facebook Ministério dos Recursos Minerais, Petróleo e Gás Angola
Facebook Ministério dos Recursos Minerais, Petróleo e Gás Angola  

"With cut diamonds and refined gold, we have a sufficient basis for the installation of the jewelry industry to boost this economic segment", said the government official, quoted by Angop.

On the occasion, the holder of the Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas portfolio also said that the country needs to continue stimulating gold production.

He also pointed out the fact that Lunda Sul is the one that most shows the aforementioned potential, which is why a gold refinery is being built. Furthermore, he also highlighted the fact that the Diamond Development Pole was created in Saurimo (Lunda Sul), in which conditions are being created to implement more diamond cutting and polishing companies, given that Angola currently has nine companies sector, while until 2017 there was only one, writes Angop.

In his statements, Diamantino Azevedo also made a brief mention of Bié, considering that this province is equally strong in terms of mineral resources, requiring greater attention in terms of exploration.

It should be noted that, between 2021 and last year, a total of 38 mining titles were issued aimed at gold prospecting in Huambo, Huíla and Cabinda, while 11 mining titles for effective exploration have been issued, and are ongoing in Bengo, Cabinda, Huambo and Huíla.

These are data from the Department of Standardization and Good Practices of the Regulation and Markets Directorate of the National Mineral Resources Agency, which are cited in one of the April editions of the Jornal de Economia & Finanças, which also states that in the last five years (2019-2024) 7,672.51 fine ounces were produced. However, forecasts indicate that, from last year to this year, gold production in the country will grow from 3.75 to 4.68 thousand fine ounces, writes Angop.

The ninth meeting of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas takes place under the motto "Foster value chains of mineral resources, oil and gas for economic diversification and sustainable development" and brings together around 300 people, "among members of the body and guests from operating companies in the sector, as well as municipal administrators from Bié and neighboring municipalities of Huambo, Cuanza Sul, Malanje, Lunda Sul, Huíla, Moxico and Cuando Cubango", says the guardianship, in a statement that VerAngola had access.

The meeting takes place this Friday in Cuito, with Diamantino Azevedo stating "it is a time for reflection and the search for synergies, which will lead us to proposals and solutions for the development and sustainable consolidation of the oil value chain and the main minerals extracted from our subsoil, for the diversification of the country's economy".

According to the guardianship, of the total number of meetings of the Advisory Council, this is the seventh to be held outside the capital. The latest meetings took place in the provinces of Luanda, Benguela, Cuanza Norte, Huíla, Namibe, Cabinda and Uíge.


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