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Teachers admit to going on strike again for non-compliance with the Government

The National Union of Teachers (Sinprof) threatens to return to strike due to the Government's non-compliance with the application of a subsidy of 12.5 percent, whose implementation should have taken place in March, but so far without effectiveness.


According to the secretary general of Sinprof, Admar Jinguma, the provincial secretaries will meet in the coming days "to decide the course to follow", in June, "if, until the payment of the salary for the month of May" the subsidy "does not take effect".

"Because we certainly won't wait any longer," said Admar Jinguma.

The trade unionist stressed that the parties met in December of last year and January of this year, with the Government's commitment to implement the new 12.5 percent pedagogical innovation subsidy, with immediate effect in March.

The Sinprof leader said that, at the time, the executive team made up of the ministries of Education, Labor and Finance, said that the subsidy "would be implemented immediately, dispensing with bureaucratic formalities, which would only be seen 'a posteriori' , when it comes to changing the remuneration status of education agents".

Admar Jinguma underlined that, after the approval of the decree by the Council of Ministers, in April, it still has not been published in Diário da República, almost a month later.

"We all witnessed the fanfare that the executive himself made, we now have official information that this decree has not yet been published in Diário da República, almost a month after its approval and we are understanding that it is something premeditated, as we have already seen in this country decrees approved by the Council of Ministers and published in the Diário da República on the same day", he stressed.

"We are not understanding how the decree that refers to the materialization of a commitment, assumed at a higher level at the negotiating table for implementation in March, a commitment assumed five months ago and so far there are no lights for its implementation", creased.

According to Admar Jinguma, the teachers have already found that in the correction sheets, salary sheets for May, "the new subsidy arranged in a hurry by the executive" is still not included.

Jinguma observed that teachers claimed a 22 percent pedagogical innovation subsidy, but the executive, arguing that he was unable to pay it, "made an arrangement by inventing a new subsidy that he decided to call a frequency premium", the so-called 12.5 percent, "which is taking forever to implement".

"We are clearly facing a breach of negotiation, and it is not the only one. Facing a breach of negotiation, the counterparty, which is us, reserves the right to activate the legal mechanisms to put pressure on the implementation or materialization of this commitment", he highlighted.

The professor stressed that they have been waiting for five months, noting that a moratorium was granted on December 24, 2022, leading to the non-effectiveness of the third phase of the strike, scheduled for January 3 of this year.

"So if we manage to apply the common sense that was asked of us, five months later we cannot understand how the executive cannot materialize, cannot carry out, the part with which he committed", he asked.

Admar Jinguma reiterated that the class has "no interest in compromising what remains of this academic year", with emphasis on the final tests and exams in June, with everything being in the hands of the employer.

"If the Government wants us to follow this path, we know very well how to do it. Especially because we have 27 years of existence and we are, perhaps, the union organization that knows best how to strike and that has already carried out the most strikes", he expressed.

"We've waited a long time, almost six months, and no one will be able to tell us that we didn't have common sense, because there's a limit to everything," he said.

In addition to the issue of this subsidy, the union leader referred that there is also the issue of the incentives that were approved and entered into force on March 7th, but whose materialization also does not have a time horizon.

"We have other issues that were addressed with the Ministry of Education on December 15th, but that the ministry itself has not yet made a schedule even after we had meetings to put these issues into effect", he complained.

The secretary-general expressed his openness to Sinprof's dialogue, stressing that the teachers would like the relationship with the executive "not to go through constant strikes", despite being a legal resource.


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