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PR travels to the UK to participate in the coronation ceremony of King Charles III

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, left the country, this Thursday, for the United Kingdom, where he will participate in the coronation ceremony of King Charles III.


On this trip, the President is accompanied by Ana Dias Lourenço, First Lady of the Republic.

The ceremony takes place next Saturday and, according to the spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, Luís Fernando, will be attended by "invited entities from different backgrounds".

"The event during which the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth will formally have a new monarch will take place on Saturday, May 6th, in the presence of invited entities from different backgrounds, from figures from the British political and social spectrum, foreign dignitaries such as case of President João Lourenço", said the spokesperson.

The coronation ceremony of Charles III and his wife Camilla as king and queen consort of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth kingdoms will take place at Westminster Abbey and, according to Angop, should be short, yet inclusive with regard to religions and communities.

It should be noted that King Charles III takes the throne after Queen Elizabeth II, who died in September last year.

Furthermore, it should also be noted that this is the first coronation of a British monarch to take place in the present century (21st), writes Angop.

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