Ver Angola


Petro de Luanda wins and qualifies for African Basketball League

Petro de Luanda qualified this Thursday for the next phase of the African Basketball League, after beating FAP, from Cameroon, by 66-64, in the second round of group B.

: Garrett Ellwood/Getty Images via AFP
Garrett Ellwood/Getty Images via AFP  

At halftime, the Angolan team, which includes former Benfica player Carlos Morais, was leading by 10 points (42-32), but only managed to secure the victory in the last seconds of the game.

With the second consecutive victory, the Angolans lead the group B with four points, followed by AS Salé of Morocco, with two, as a result of the victory over FAP by 87-84, in the first round.

To define the leadership of group B, in the third and last round of the group stage, Petro de Luanda will face AS Salé of Morocco.


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