"Some compatriots let their guard down after the first dose [of the vaccine], diminished care in the prevention of the pandemic, giving rise to many confirmed cases and small outbreaks," the embassy lamented in a statement.
This phenomenon has "put at risk the health and life" of Chinese living in Angola, has damaged the vaccination plan of the community and has even prevented some Chinese from returning to China, because they were considered to be contacts with high-risk exposure, the embassy noted.
Between April 19 and 25, Angola registered eight more Chinese citizens with positive test results for the new coronavirus, which causes covid-19, the embassy said on Monday. There were then 87 active cases in the Chinese community in Angola.
China launched on March 7 the operation "Seeds of Spring", to vaccinate its citizens abroad.
On March 27, the Chinese embassy in Angola asked for the help of community institutions to register the Chinese who wanted to be vaccinated.
Two days earlier, Angola had received 200 thousand doses, donated by the Government of China, of the vaccine BBIBP-CorV against covid-19, developed by the Chinese state pharmaceutical company Sinopharm.
Part of these doses were used to start the vaccination of Chinese in Angola, on April 3, at Zhongtai Hospital, owned by a Chinese capital company, located in Luanda.
At the time, the Chinese ambassador, Gong Tao, said that the decision was consensual, after "intense communications" with the Angolan authorities.
The Health Minister, Silvia Lutucuta, said that Angola had decided to make vaccines available to the Chinese community due to "the friendship between the two countries" and in recognition of China's donation.
The Sinopharm vaccine "has an efficacy of 79 percent, in some countries a little higher", said the minister on March 25, at the ceremony to receive the vaccines.
The director of China's Center for Disease Control, Gao Fu, admitted on April 11 that the effectiveness of Chinese vaccines against covid-19 "does not have very high protection rates."
The Chinese embassy in Angola recalled on Friday that there are still "no detailed scientific data" on the effectiveness of Sinopharm's vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus variants detected in the United Kingdom and South Africa.
Data from clinical trials conducted in China and abroad have already shown good results of the BBIBP-CorV vaccine against these variants, Zhang Yuntao, vice president of China National Biotech Group, a subsidiary of Sinopharm, said on March 29.