Ver Angola


Do you dream of becoming a model? Sharam Diniz explains steps to success in workshop

The Portuguese-Angolan model and actress Sharam Diniz has an enviable path in the fashion world, and is now ready to "teach" aspiring Angolans to model the best way forward to succeed in the area.


"How do I become an international mannequin?" is the challenge for the online fashion workshop developed by the well-known model.

It will be three days in which potential new talents will be able to learn more about what it takes to achieve a successful international model career.

So, on the next 13th, 14th and 15th of May you can connect to the Zoom platform and count on the model's online tips. The training, with a total duration of three hours - one hour a day - will start at 16h00 in Angola and is limited to 12 participants.

A statement sent to VerAngola states that the workshop is aimed at new models in the field of fashion or those interested in starting a career in this field. The cost per person is 20,000 kwanzas.

Interested parties can register via email to and follow the remaining payment instructions to access the online workshop.

Born in Angola, from where she left at the age of 17 to bet on her international career, Sharam Diniz is part of the new generation of models of African descent that has enchanted international catwalks.


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