Ver Angola


PayPay becomes the first Angolan digital wallet to reach supermarkets

The Angolan app PayPay announced that it has become the first national digital wallet to allow payment via QR code in supermarkets. The new payment method was launched in partnership with Fresmart, one of the main supermarkets in the country.


PayPay users can now shop at Fresmart and pay with just a few clicks on their phone. Payment is made via QR code at the cashier counter.

Payment is available, for the time being, at Fresmart in Kilamba Centrality and Via Expressa. "The process is fast, easy and secure, making the shopping experience even more pleasant for consumers", announces the company in a statement.

"We are always committed to providing innovative financial services that meet the needs of our users and this new functionality is proof of that", they say, in a statement sent to VerAngola.

PayPay continues to be a pioneer in digital payment solutions via QR code and to offer quality and secure services to its more than 100,000 users and more than 400 partners.

With the new payment functionality at the supermarket, PayPay reinforces its commitment to making the lives of Angolans easier, simpler and safer.

To start using PayPay it is necessary to download the application, which will then allow you to send and receive money via the telephone number, pay bills such as energy and water and make purchases at partner establishments.

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