Ver Angola


EPAL and PRODEL have new boards of directors

The President of the Republic appointed, this Friday, new boards of directors for the Public Water Company – EPAL and for the Public Electricity Production Company – PRODEL.


According to a statement from the Presidency of the Republic, which VerAngola had access to, João Lourenço, through a decree, exonerated the former EPAL board, whose position of president was occupied by Manuel Silva Lopes da Cruz.

"For convenience of service, the President of the Republic decrees, under the terms of the Constitution of the Republic of Angola and the Basic Law of the Public Business Sector, the following: the individuals who are part of the Board of Directors of the Public Water Company - EPAL are exonerated", namely Manuel Silva Lopes da Cruz (Chairman of the Board of Directors) and the executive directors Alberto Miguel Manuel, Venceslau Txindji Chissupa, Eva Dinamene Damião Fernandes da Costa and Kubikiladia Bernardete Garcia, indicates the statement.

In another decree, adds the note, the President of the Republic appointed Adão Manuel da Silva to the position of chairman of the Board of Directors of EPAL.

The company's new board is also composed of Kelson Miguel Domingos (executive director), Enoch Francisco Lopes da Costa (executive director), Eva Dinamene Damião Fernandes da Costa (executive director) and Kubikiladia Bernardete Garcia (executive director).

João Lourenço also worked on PRODEL's board of directors. In a third decree, the President of the Republic exonerated the members of PRODEL's board of directors, namely: Joaquim Ventura, as chairman of the board of directors and the executive directors Pedro Eduardo Manuel Afonso, Euclides Morais de Brito, Benício Pedro Machado and Rosa Afonso Miguel.

For the company's new board of directors, the head of state appointed Pedro Eduardo Manuel Afonso as chairman of the Board of Directors; Arlindo Paulino Upindi Cambungo as executive director; Manuel de Sousa Panzo (executive director); Daniel Catata Catumbela (executive director) and Hailé Arissandro Vieira Dias Ferrão (executive director).

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