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Government authorizes educational institutions to charge fees during a State of Emergency

The Government has authorized the collection of tuition fees in private and public-private educational institutions while the State of Emergency regime is in force in the country.


According to a decree approved by the Executive and quoted by Angop, the collection starts in the period when the State of Emergency was decreed (March), and private institutions must charge up to a maximum of 60 percent of the monthly fees, and those reimbursed up to 25 percent.

This measure covers all private, public-private and university general education institutions. According to the document, it aims to ensure the normal functioning of educational institutions and the payment of the remuneration of teaching and non-teaching people.

The Secretary of State for Higher Education, Eugénio Silva, explained that the percentages to be paid are the result of an analysis of the institutions' cost structure, taking into account the payment of wages and the operational and essential costs.

 "If families pay up to 60 percent of operating costs, this allows institutions to, from that source, also cover between 50 and 60 percent of costs, with institutions being responsible for covering the rest," he said, quoted by Angop.

The official also stressed that the decree covers the entire period of the State of Emergency, until the moment it was lifted.

"What we are talking about is a value to be calculated according to the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the state of emergency until its end. It will be in the percentage inherent in the months of March and April, so far affected" he concluded.


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