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Lenovo launched in Angola. The brand's technical assistance center generated around 200 jobs

The Lenovo brand – officially launched in Angola this Wednesday, March 15th – opened a technical assistance center that created around 200 jobs, of which more than half are national.


The information was advanced by Patrick Roque, commercial coordinator of Stylus (company that distributes technological solutions).

"The technical assistance is made up of more than 200 employees", said the person in charge, adding that "90 percent are local".

Cited by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA), the commercial coordinator added that "it is not enough to have just the product", it is also necessary "to have the capacity to respond when a problem occurs".

In turn, one of the young women who got her first job at Lenovo, as a commercial manager, was satisfied: "It's a good experience, since the suppliers come from different nationalities, so it's a value, as an Angolan to make a contribution ", she indicated, in statements to RNA.

Regarding Lenovo's Official Technical Assistance Centre, Patrick Roque informed that the infrastructure is already in full operation: "The technological center is currently working at 100 percent", he said, quoted by RNA.

In this way, he added, "all faults" can be resolved at the "technical assistance partner", for "any purchase made of equipment" through digital or physical means.

He also took the opportunity to mention that after launching the brand in the domestic market, Stylus is in a position to carry out Lenovo sales and after-sales services in the country. "What will change is giving the end customer direct access to the entire Lenovo portfolio, creating conditions to guarantee its added value. Stylus' concern has always been to bring technology to the market and provide the market with the best brands ", he said, quoted by Angop.

Lenovo manufactures personal and professional computers, as well as computing and structured network solutions, smartphones and televisions. Stylus, founded in 2009, is a company with 100 percent Angolan investment that is dedicated to the import and distribution of computer equipment, covering all areas linked to information technology (IT).

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