Ver Angola


Luanda Science and Technology Park budgeted at 35 million. First stone has been laid

The Minister of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Maria do Rosário Bragança, this Friday laid the first stone for the construction of the Luanda Science and Technology Park, which is budgeted at 35 million dollars.

: Joaquina Bento/Angop
Joaquina Bento/Angop  

The launching act, according to a note from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation that VerAngola had access to, took place in the parking lot of the Department of Architecture of the Agostinho Neto University.

"The Minister of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Maria do Rosário Bragança, launched today [Friday], March 10, in the parking lot of the Department of Architecture of the Agostinho Neto University, the 1st Building Stone of the Science and Technology Park of Luanda, which is the main objective of the Project for the Development of Science and Technology (PDCT), a project of the Government of Angola, co-financed by a loan from the African Development Bank (ADB), in execution by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation", reads the statement.

The note also adds that it is a national project, aiming to "contribute to the diversification of the economy through science and technology".

On the occasion, the minister indicated that "a science and technology park stimulates and manages the flow of knowledge and technology between Higher Education Institutions, Scientific Research and Development Institutions, companies and the market, facilitates the creation and growth of companies that they build on innovation, through incubation and spin-off processes, and provide other value-added services along with high-quality space and facilities. In other words, a science and technology park promotes innovation and collaboration, and facilitates the emergence of technology-based companies, thus contributing to sustainable development".

In terms of budget, the minister referred that the PDCT is budgeted at 100 million dollars, while the park's construction costs 35 million dollars: "The Development, Science and Technology Project, the whole project, which has other activities to in addition to the construction of the science and technology park is 100 million, but the construction of the park is 35 million", she said, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).

According to the note from the guardianship, the park will have "spaces for business incubation, training, scientific research, conferences, offices, meetings, printing, copying, binding, first aid and for meals", as well as green areas, parking , between others.

The ministry also informs that the company that won the tender to carry out the contract was PAN-China Construction Group, Ltd.

"The work began on January 31, 2023 and is expected to last 30 months", completes the statement.


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