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Organization denounces that Angolan women with disabilities are prevented from becoming pregnant

The Angolan Federation of Associations of People with Disabilities (Faped) denounced various situations of discrimination that affect this population group, including the impediment of women becoming pregnant.


At a press conference, which addressed the participation, from the 6th to the 10th of this month, in Geneva, Switzerland, in the 28th session of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held under the auspices of the United Nations Organization and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Disability, "serious attitudinal or behavioral barriers on the part of others" were reported, which they considered to be the cause of their "undeniable exclusion".

According to Esmeraldina Miguel, from the Angolan Association of Women with Disabilities, sexual and reproductive health is still a subject surrounded by taboos, whether due to lack of knowledge or prejudice.

According to Esmeraldina Miguel, "there are women with disabilities" whose "reproductive organs have been lacquered without their consent, thus depriving them of the right to generate lives".

"Among women and young people with disabilities, ignorance is greater due to lack or deficit of access to information", said Esmeraldina Miguel.

The reasons given, continued the official, are at the basis of numerous problems, such as the high number "of adolescents and young people with hearing impairment who are pregnant by their relatives and others" or the high number of women and young people with disabilities prevented by the family or community to choose who they should have a relationship with or when to have sex, and even health techniques.

Among the various difficulties, the official also pointed out the lack of awareness-raising material on sexual and reproductive health rights translated into Braille, of Angolan sign language interpreters in health institutions, barriers to accessing contraceptives and the withdrawal of women with disabilities. hearing of prenatal consultations during pregnancy.

In addition, there are cases of young women with motor disabilities undergoing cesarean sections even when they do not need it, and a large number of young women with disabilities, who, due to the imposition of communities or families to have sexual relations with men of their convenience, end up taking care of their children resulting alone, a reality that promotes the increase in the number of evasions to paternity, also mentioned Esmeraldina Miguel.

In the field of children, children with disabilities in Angola "suffer too much" for various reasons, stresses the report presented by Faped in Geneva.

The document states that families with children with disabilities experience situations that could be avoided if there were a system of early pathological prevention.

In Angola, said Esmeraldina Miguel, "mothers even cancel all their life plans to take care of their disabled children, almost or even alone".

"Parents usually abandon the family and do not register these children. There are children with disabilities in villages or rural areas who need early diagnosis and therapy, but do not have access to this type of resource", she said.

Due to the stigma of society, continued the official, a considerable number of children with disabilities do not attend kindergartens or early childhood education, because they lack birth registration or because of the distance between the "special education" or inclusive schools and the residence.

"And those who attend, at a certain point, give up, due to problems related to the lack of transport. We do not fail to highlight the sacrifices to which many mothers are subjected, who have children with disabilities, some of whom carry them on their backs and they stay half the day outside, hungry, many times they even fall asleep right there, waiting for the child to finish classes", he stressed.


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