Ver Angola


Huambo Cultural Center will have a superior school of arts

The Minister of Culture and Tourism, Filipe Zau, announced that the Huambo Cultural Center – which is being built – will have a superior school of arts, aimed at the academic and professional training of creators. The announcement was made on Friday, when he spoke at the end of a verification visit to the infrastructure works.


On the occasion, the minister referred that the initiative aims to provide qualified training for students from various provinces of Angola and abroad who want to study the field of arts.

Filipe Zau, quoted by Angop, also said that the intention was to respond to the challenges of specific training in culture which, at a general level, have been forgotten in various training initiatives and, through this, create a provincial and a national symphony orchestra, in the coming times.

The holder of the Culture and Tourism portfolio also considered that Huambo has the appropriate conditions to promote the training of the various specificities of the arts due to the fact that it has several higher education establishments, which are capable of assisting in the execution of the project and, in the end, welcome personnel trained for the progress of teaching, investigation and scientific research actions, writes Angop.

According to Angop, the minister also referred that the initiative aims at the development of art, through training, as well as the total functioning of the cultural center, with the uninterrupted implementation and with the desired quality, of cultural actions, in terms of music, dancing, etc.

In addition, the minister also expressed satisfaction with the degree of progress of the center's works (physical execution above 80 percent), whose completion is scheduled for this year.

According to Filipe Zau, the contract will be ready in the middle of this year, having indicated August as the month for the completion and inauguration of the undertaking and clarified that changes made to the project justify the fact that the initiative was not concluded in February, as it was previously conjectured.

The official also considered that with its start-up, "in synchrony with other cultural infrastructures", Huambo could be, in the short term, "a cultural capital" of the country. "We think that with its entry into operation, in synchrony with other cultural infrastructures, added to the role of the existing kingdoms and ombalas in the province, Huambo could become, in a short period of time, a cultural capital of Angola", indicated, quoted by Angop.

According to Angop, the development - where works started in 2011 and, after a five-year suspension, resumed last year - will have two cinema-theaters, two conference rooms and an area to present works of art, literature and music. Two rooms for dance classes, two rooms for visual arts and handicrafts, as well as an exhibition room will also form part of the infrastructure.

In addition, after completion, the development will also have 11 artistic and cultural specialty stores. It will also have a restaurant, two cafes, as well as support areas for actors and musicians during their performances on stage and also two rooms for music lessons, writes Angop.

It should be noted that during his visit to Huambo, the minister visited, in addition to the cultural centre, the Constantino Camoli Historical Archive, the Huambo Museum and the Provincial Library.

According to a note from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, to which VerAngola had access, the minister "was welcomed in the government's main hall by the provincial governor, Lotti Nolika, members of the local executive and the technical group responsible for building the Cultural Center of Huambo, where, on the occasion, architectural and conservation projects were presented for the various buildings in the upper city of the seat municipality".

On the visits, Filipe Zau was accompanied by the "deputy governors for Technical Services and Infrastructure and for the Political, Social and Economic Sector, some members of the Local Government and technicians from the companies in charge of building the Huambo Cultural Centre".

In addition, the minister also "held audience sessions with representatives of ecclesiastical entities, traditional authorities, tourist and cultural agents", adds the note.

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