Businessman Miguel Oliveira explained that the total value of the investment was divided into two parts: 2.5 million dollars were used in a land infrastructure, located in the municipality of Viana, which includes a fish processing plant and a warehouse dedicated to fish distribution. The remaining two million dollars were used in four boats.
Cited by Mercado, the responsible also made it known that the inauguration of the fishing warehouse is expected to take place in the first two weeks of May.
This investment will help to respond to problems such as poverty, since more jobs will be created, he admitted.
In this sense, Miguel Oliveira clarified that as part of the company's social work, Mileomar decided to create a partnership with 200 market vendors in the capital, who are unable to start their own business. The objective of the partnership is to give fish to credit to these sellers.
"In this way we would be helping even those who don't have the money to start their own jobs. This way they will minimally have many of their difficulties taken care of", he indicated.
Speaking about the risks of profitability of the investment, Miguel Oliveira said that any investment can be profitable, as long as there is a "solid structure": "All business is profitable as long as the structure is solid, an efficient organization, properly prepared professionals with knowledge in the field", he said.
With a "business volume that is around 600 tons per month", the company focuses on selling its products in the capital. "At this moment 80 percent of the product is sold in the domestic market, that is, in Luanda, squares and markets and another part for the large commercial surfaces," indicated the responsible.
Created in 2011, Mileomar is a company with its own funds that operates in the fishing sector. The company currently has a processing unit with a monthly capacity for 400 tons of fish.
Miguel Oliveira also said that since the company entered the sector the results have been positive. "We are creating more and more new jobs," he added.