Ver Angola


Carrying out structural projects among Sonangol's challenges for this year, points out PCA

The implementation of the structuring projects that Sonangol is involved in, linked to the fields of refining, renewable energies and exploration and production activity, is among the company's challenges for this year.


The information was advanced by Sebastião Martins, Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the flagship oil company.

"2023 in challenges has to do with maintaining the implementation of our strategy, which has consisted of carrying out the structural projects that the company is involved in, linked to the refining sectors and renewable energy sectors, to the sectors of our exploration and production activity", said the official, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).

The objective, he added, is to see if they manage to maintain "a level of production that satisfies" the needs.

"To see if we maintain a production level that satisfies our needs and, on the other hand, to guarantee that we can always be up to the task of rendering accounts that make Sonangol continue to be one of the best companies in Angolan society", completed Sebastião Martins, cited by RNA.


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