Ver Angola


Memorial to victims of political conflicts will cost 17.2 billion kwanzas

The memorial in honor of the victims of political conflicts will cost 17.2 billion kwanzas and will be built by Chinese company Nova Jiangsu, winner of the public tender for the project.


According to the presidential order published this Thursday in Diário da República, the construction, in charge of Nova Jiangsu, will cost 17.2 billion kwanzas, with another contract of 258 million kwanzas being signed for specialized technical assistance with Dar Angola, linked to the Lebanese group Dar.

The Director of the Special Works Office will be responsible for all decision-making and supervisory approval acts relating to the process, including the signing of contracts.

The construction project for the Memorial in honor of the Victims of Political Conflicts, which took place between November 11, 1975 and April 4, 2002, was publicly presented in July last year.

The memorial will be built on the side of the Memorial Dr. António Agostinho Neto, next to the New Marginal de Luanda.

Called "Aliança eterna", the structure, 35 meters high and nine floors, will consist of two blocks articulated with each other, similar to an embrace symbolizing a request for forgiveness.

The Memorial space will also house a technical building, a souvenir shop, a digital collection, a convention and exhibition room, as well as a parking lot for 106 vehicles and a square with an attractive landscape component.


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