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Cacuaco residents will pay for garbage collection

The costs of garbage collection in the municipality of Cacuaco will now be paid by the residents and owners of properties located in that municipality. The residents will have to pay between 25 and 200 kwanzas to companies providing this type of services.


The municipal administrator of Cacuaco, Auzílio Jacob, quoted by Jornal de Angola, made it known that the price list will vary according to the areas of the municipality.

Each dwelling of the urbanized areas, as for example the centrality of Sequele, will have to pay 350 kwanzas per week. The houses located in the semi-standardized areas, such as Cacuaco Sede, Eco-Campo, among others, will pay 200 kwanzas, while the properties in zone three, which concerns the disorganized urban meshes (such as Bairro dos Imdondeiros and Rua da Conduta) will pay 150 kwanzas.

As for commercial establishments, such as restaurants, hospitals and medical centers the fee will be around 12, 14 and 18 thousand kwanzas. The size of the establishment and the amount of garbage it produces will be taken into account. The factories will have to pay 25 thousand kwanzas.

Auzílio Jacob revealed that this measure is part of the "New Model of Solid Residues Collection".

The new model will come into force as soon as the contracts between the companies and owners of the properties are signed, which should be represented by the residents commissions after the terms and conditions are accepted.

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