Ver Angola


Parliament passes a law that defines rules about official ceremonies and the use of escorts

The parliament approved this Thursday, in generality, the draft Law of Precedence and State Protocol, a diploma that will define rules about official acts and ceremonies and regulate the use of escorts and scouts for entities.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

The proposed law, an initiative of the holder of the executive power, passed this Thursday in the sieve of deputies with 140 votes in favor, 36 abstentions and one vote against during the sixth extraordinary plenary meeting of the fourth legislative session of parliament.

The legal instrument, which comprises ten chapters, was presented by the Minister of State and head of the President's Civil House, Adão de Almeida.

This law applies to all official acts and ceremonies of the State held in the national territory, as well as in diplomatic and consular representations of Angola abroad, reads the rationale of the law.

According to Adão de Almeida, the new legal instrument aims to "fill a gap" in the legal system "in matters of precedence and state protocol, with specific, clear and objective rules.

"The lack of specific, clear and objective rules on this matter often promotes the adoption of case-by-case solutions, the adoption of solutions with some subjectivism and the adoption of less rigorous solutions regarding the respect and observance of precedence," said Adão de Almeida.

For the governor, the lack of specific rules in this area may lead not only to an incorrect treatment in relation to individuals, but also to a less rigorous treatment in relation to State institutions.

"We therefore see the approval of this bill as important, with a view to filling this gap," he noted.

The law defines, in chapter seven, a general order of precedence led by the President of the Republic, followed by the Vice President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly (parliament) followed by the presidents of the higher courts, the Attorney General and other individuals.

The President of the Republic takes absolute precedence and presides over any official ceremony at which he is present, the diploma determines.

"Among entities of identical rank, the one whose title results from an election takes precedence and among entities with the same title, the one with the most seniority in office takes precedence, unless another rule results from this law," the document reads.

The ecclesiastical authorities, when invited to official acts, says the law, "receive treatment appropriate to the dignity and representativeness of the functions they exercise, ordering themselves according to the seniority of the recognition of the religious confession.

The Minister of State stressed that this law presents the insertion of individuals at local and central levels and "also contemplates the future municipal bodies, namely mayors and members of the municipal assemblies.

In relation to the protocol, noted Adão de Almeida, the law also intends to "discipline" the matters concerning the visits of foreign high entities to the Angolan territory, as well as the visits of high Angolan entities outside the country.

"And, finally, the regulation in the matter regarding the use of escorts and scouts," underlined the Angolan minister.

The President of the Republic, the vice-president of the Republic, the president of the National Assembly, presiding judges of the superior courts, the Attorney-General, ministers of State and ministers, when on duty with foreign delegations or field work, upon request, are entitled to the official use of scouts.

Provincial governors also have this right when receiving visits and foreign delegations on view, upon request.

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