Ver Angola

Suggestions Where to eat?


: Luanda Nightlife
Luanda Nightlife  

Located in Talatona, Okupuyuka specializes in brunch service. For that reason, the restaurant only opens on weekends. On Saturdays and Sundays, the Okupuyuka opens at 9am and closes at 4pm.

If you're interested in a brunch, this might be the place. However, you should pay attention to the time it arrives: the restaurant has gained prestige among Luandans and so the number of customers is large.

The menu consists of dishes that are not easily available in other establishments, such as homemade yoghurt bowls, served with granola and fresh fruit. Pancakes, waffles and vegetarian dishes are also part of the menu.

The Okupuyuka brunch which includes a set of dishes mentioned above costs 12,000 kwanzas.

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