Ver Angola


Five percent of Vista Alegre's sales in Angola will revert to the Paralympic Committee

In order to combine tradition, refinement and culture, Vista Alegre - represented in Angola by the Etosha Group - presented the VA 2020 Cultural Agenda to its press and guests at its store in the capital, located in Torres Loanda.


Mara Dalva conducted the cultural event, which aimed to highlight the works of national artists in their different areas.

This year, the VA Cultural Agenda opened with the participation of the National Football Team for Amputees, the current World Champion of the sport and the meeting was marked by moments of emotion, with the sharing of the life stories of the players present.

Celestino Elias, elected the Best Player in the World at the World Championship in Mexico in 2018, as well as Edgar Domingos, Alberto Adelino and Manuel Quilala, joined Hélder Gomes, assistant coach of the selection and António da Luz, Secretary General of the Angolan Paralympic Committee, in a conversation with the audience of guests.

During the meeting, António da Luz referred to the difficult trajectory of the selection and, at the same time, the pride that everyone feels with the victory achieved. "It is not easy, but we are happy because we have fulfilled our dream. Thank you for the opportunity to be here today".

Kanda Kassoma, director general of the Etosha Group, referred to the importance of this meeting and appealed to the guests for help, the brand being the first to set an example of solidarity: "First of all, I want to thank you for your presence and say that today and until the end of the year, 5 percent of Vista Alegre's sales will go to the Angolan Paralympic Committee. the path they take".

For this year, the goals of the brand are already defined, as stated by the responsible in a statement sent to VerAngola: "We are going to launch a collection by the architect Chico Zé and the artists Horácio da Mesquita and Binelde Hyrcan. On the other hand, we will have a limited edition piece by the artist Etona".

The event was attended by Carlos Bendinha de Almeida, Secretary of State for Sport, Hironori Sawada Ambassador of Japan, Jorge Figueiredo Ambassador of Cape Verde, Artur Almeida e Silva President of the Angolan Football Federation, Osvaldo Saturnino de Oliveira, former Vice- FAF President and athlete José Armando Sayovo.

As it is a cultural event, the art was represented by Manuel António de Oliveira, President of UNAP (National Union of Plastic Artists), Etona, UNAP Secretary-General and artists Don Sebas and Adriano Canjombe.

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