Ver Angola


JURA leader accuses police of assault and excessive use of force

The Secretary General of the Revolutionary United Youth of Angola (JURA), Agostinho Kamuango, accused this Wednesday the police of assaulting demonstrators and using excessive force to stop a protest attempt in Luanda.


"The police performance was lousy. They changed drivers and the car is the same," the leader of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) youth arm told Lusa, adding that some demonstrators were arrested and others assaulted.

"We have companions in the hospital, others arrested," said Agostinho Kamuango, adding that "phones, wallets and documentation were collected.

Agostinho Kamuango also complained of "pushing and threats" when he was at the National Assembly and was even forced to enter a police car, having been released right after.

Among the injured will also be journalists, he said.

In a statement to Lusa the Palanca TV journalist José Kiabolo said that he and his image colleague were attacked by police officers while covering the demonstration.

"I, in particular, was violently assaulted by several officers, I am now with injuries on my arms and foot as a result of the police load, my colleague in the picture also and even damaged the camera," said the journalist, regretting the situation.

The aim of the protest called by JURA and the Youth for Social Renewal (JURS), affiliated to the Party of Social Renewal was to contest the new president of the National Electoral Commission (CNE), Manuel Pereira da Silva, who should take office in the National Assembly this Wednesday.

Agostinho Kamuango said there were "riots" in several places in the vicinity of the National Assembly and that, at around 13:00, the demonstrators were still being "escorted" by the police, on Deolinda Rodrigues Road in Luanda.

He reported that by 07h30 the police perimeter was already established next to the National Assembly, so it was necessary to find alternatives "to achieve the objective" of the protest.

The JURA leader said there would be about 1500 young people trying to reach the parliament, but "the repression started in the surroundings" and the police dispersed the demonstration by force, using dogs and poles before it happened.

The Zamba II viaduct in Samba was one of the most critical areas, due to the release of tear gas that is believed to have hit a school and shops in the vicinity.


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