Ver Angola


MAPTSS launches National Employment Fund in Huambo

The Angolan National Employment Fund (FUNEA) was presented this Thursday in Huambo, in a ceremony presided over by the Minister of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security, Teresa Rodrigues.

: Facebook Governo Provincial do Huambo
Facebook Governo Provincial do Huambo  

In the minister's view, the fund is taking its first steps in the field of employability and professional training, through initiatives such as cooperatives for the creation of direct employment and economic progress in local terms, writes Angop.

In this way, Teresa Dias referred to support for entrepreneurship, through the provision of micro-credits and distribution of work kits, having also highlighted the Government's commitment to employability and professional training.

The governor of Huambo, Pereira Alfredo, who was also present at the launch, encouraged local young people to join and take "maximum advantage of the program, which he believes will support their main aspirations, having reaffirmed support for initiatives inserted in the capital human, creation of opportunities for youth, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, as well as those that leverage the local economy", says a statement from the provincial government of Huambo, to which VerAngola had access.

On the occasion, he also reported that during 2024, the province registered 872 job applications, of which "841 were direct placements in the primary sector of the economy".

He also highlighted that "37 professional training centers are currently controlled in Huambo, 14 of which are public and 23 private, having enrolled more than 7000 candidates in various areas of professional training in the same period".

The provincial government also says that the ceremony was marked by the signing of an understanding agreement between the INEFOP-Huambo provincial service and the administrations of Huambo and Caála, as well as by the "symbolic delivery of end-of-internship certificates and microcredit checks".

The event served to present the benefits of the JOBE program, financed by FUNEA, as well as to raise awareness among young people to join the program, in order to create opportunities for young people to be included in the job market and "strengthen the partnership between the public and private sectors, for the generation of sustainable and dignified jobs".

After the program was presented, work kits were delivered to 13 cooperatives that participated in CINFOTEC training.

It is worth remembering that in 2023 the creation of FUNEA was announced, which ended up being officially launched in August last year.


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