Ver Angola


Oil exports generated 31.4 billion dollars for Angola in 2024

Angola raised 31.4 billion dollars in 2024 from the export of 393.4 million barrels of crude oil, sold at an average price of 79.7 dollars, the government said on Thursday.


According to the Secretary of State for Oil and Gas, José Barroso, in 2024 China led the destination of national exports, with 51.91 percent, followed by India, with 10.02 percent, Spain, with 6.27 percent, and Indonesia, with 4.81 percent.

The exported volume represented an increase of 1.80 percent compared to 2023, while the resulting value of exports decreased by 0.11 percent.

Regarding natural gas last year, exports totaled about 4.6 million metric tons and generated revenue of approximately 2.6 billion dollars.

José Barroso highlighted that the volume of gas exported in 2024 grew by around 2.3 percent compared to 2023, with India being the main destination for LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) exports, with around 53 percent of the total traded.


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