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Quilemba Solar Project will really happen. Photovoltaic plant in Lubango will produce electricity for the national grid

The Quilemba Solar project, which has been talked about for a long time, could be set to begin in 2025. In a consortium formed by Sonangol Gás & Energias Renováveis, TotalEnergies and GreenTech, the companies signed this week with the National Electricity Transport Network (REN) ), an Addendum to the Complementary Technical Parts of the Energy Acquisition Agreement (CAE) of the photovoltaic project, which will allow its construction to begin.


This project aims to build and operate a photovoltaic solar power plant in the town of Quilemba, city of Lubango, province of Huíla, with a capacity of 35 megawatts (MW), in the first phase, to which 45 MW will be added later, explains Sonangol in a statement.

From this park, RNT will purchase electricity, essentially for the provinces of Huíla and Namibe, where large quantities of diesel are still used to produce electricity.

In the initial phase, it is estimated that Quilemba Solar will benefit 100,000 people, with the energy value agreed with the consortium expected to be around six US cents per kilowatt/hour.

On the occasion, João Baptista Borges, Minister of Energy and Water, said that “this project will allow for greater energy availability in the southern region”, recalling the great potential that exists in this area, where there is “a great demand not only for economic purposes, but also to meet social needs and the population's consumption”.

In turn, Sonangol's CEO, Gaspar Martins, announced that the contractor has already been identified: "He is on the ground and I believe that, in a little while, we will have the possibility of seeing these works in full progress and, at this moment, what we can say is that we are committed.

The agreement was signed by the general director of Quilemba, Jorge Nunes, the CEO of RNT-EP, Rui Gourgel and one of the members of the Board of Directors, Mauro Martins. The event was attended by the Secretary of State for Oil and Gas, José Barroso, the members of Sonagás E&R, Maria Correia and Carlos Peres, the general director of TotalEnergies Angola, Martin Deffontaines, as well as senior executives from the signatory companies.

It should be remembered that the project concession contract was signed by the private consortium in 2022, in the city of Lubango, Huíla province.


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