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Lunda Norte jail director accused of promoting parties and prostitution in prison

The Interior Ministry announced that it is investigating complaints that accuse the director of the Cacanda jail, in the province of Lunda Norte, of facilitating and promoting parties and prostitution in that prison.

: Hugo Delgado
Hugo Delgado  

The information was provided by the director of the Institutional Communication and Press Office of the provincial delegation of the Ministry of Interior in Lunda Norte, Chief Inspector Rodrigues Zeca.

"In view of this denunciation, the provincial directorate of the Ministry of the Interior launched an internal investigation process, for investigation, which runs its procedures with the related bodies of this delegation, which will work to, within 15 days, present better results, aiming clarify public opinion the veracity of the facts ", said Rodrigues Zeca, in statements to the radio.

Rodrigues Zeca said, quoted by Angop, that complaints made on social networks show that the director was surprised by a prison officer, in his residence, located in the same space as the prison, supposedly consuming alcoholic drinks, in the company of six prisoners "with privileges and privileges" and seven women, "with whom he has been having lunch every day".

"At the moment, the least that the provincial delegation of the Ministry of the Interior can do around this controversial case is to follow up. The organs have already been activated and within 15 days we will bring more accurate information about this case", said Rodrigues Zeca.

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