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Free Asseco Academy courses have employability rate greater than 95 percent

Asseco PST has opened the process of recruiting candidates to participate in the 5th edition of Asseco Academy Angola, the information technology training academy for future banking professionals. No charge to the graduates, since the costs are fully funded by the company, the academy has already trained 90 new specialists, with an employability rate of over 95 percent.


Recruitment is for undergraduate and graduate students in Economics, Financial Management, Accounting, Auditing and Computer Engineering. The training program given at Asseco Academy is scheduled for February 10, and applications may be formalized by email to

As a leader in software development and applications aimed at the financial sector, Asseco PST ensures not only the availability of classrooms equipped with the latest technology at the academy, located in the Financial City, Talatona, as well as the trainers responsible for the course content.

"With its experience of 30 years of activity, Asseco PST has gathered in the academy training contents for banking functions that enable the performance of bank teams to improve in both parameterization or supervision and business functions", explains Célia Catarino, head of Human Resources and Corporate Governance, in a statement sent to VerAngola.

With a 240-hour training program delivered during working hours, the course - called the PFS Certification Program - consists of eight modules, six of which are assessed. In the end, the certification granted by Asseco Academy enables successful graduates to enter the job market with increased qualifications.

This is, by the way, the reason that has motivated a growing adhesion of candidates with each new edition. The final selection of the trainees is made in a process that goes through three phases, including psychotechnical tests and two rounds of interviews. In addition to spontaneous applications, Asseco PST has been carrying out campaigns to promote Asseco Academy courses and recruitment actions at major Angolan universities.

Asseco Academy has planned to hold two editions of its PFS Certification Program by 2020. The second edition should start in the last quarter of the year. In addition to these free training programs, the academy continues to carry out standard and tailor-made courses already taken by various financial institutions.

In the case of tailor-made courses, training content is tailored to the needs of a specific client. They are, as a rule, punctual, with a prior survey and identification of training needs. As for the standard courses, they are prepared for the transversal needs of the financial sector. They have a pre-defined syllabus covering the various areas of banking business.

Launched in Angola in January 2018, Asseco Academy also operates in Mozambique. The first course held in Maputo started in April last year. This year it is also planned to hold an edition of the PFS Certification Program, which will start at the end of the first semester.

Betting on contributing to the development of human capital in the various geographies where it operates, the company is preparing to launch the academy in Cape Verde this year. The mode of operation is that it will have some specific characteristics: after the recruitment process, the selected finalists will be integrated into the Mozambique course, financing the company all costs - as it does in Angola.

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