Ver Angola


EU gives 8.5 million euros for education and training projects

The European Commission will provide 8.5 million euros for pilot projects in Africa and the Western Balkans in the area of education and vocational training, involving Angola, Cape Verde and Portugal.


In a statement, the EU executive stated that these were pilot projects such as the African Mobility Support Alliance, which comprises a total of 32 organizations from eight European Union (EU) Member States, including Portugal, and 13 African countries, including Cape Verde and Angola.

With Community support of 4 million euros, this initiative aims to promote teacher mobility for the development of new school curricula and new methodologies.

Another initiative is the joint alliance for the development of a regime of mobility and sharing of best practices between African and European systems, to which 2.5 million euros will be allocated to improve teacher training and to obtain pedagogical skills.

In all, this alliance includes three EU Member States and 10 African countries, including Cape Verde.

In addition, the pilot project on internationalization of vocational education and training in the Western Balkans, involving six partners from that region, as well as eight partners from EU Member States, in a 2 million euro community support for student mobility and skills development.

The projects start in January.

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