Ver Angola


Registration deadline for university students extended to 15 January

The period of enrollment in higher education at public universities in the country was extended until 15 January 2020, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESCTI) reported.


Last Wednesday, the Movement of Angolan Students asked for an extension of registrations, which were due to end on Saturday, due to the "slowness and bureaucracy" in issuing certificates, which has raised several complaints from parents and guardians.

On Friday night, MESCTI announced in a statement the extension of the deadline "in view of the difficulty encountered in obtaining secondary school certificates by possible candidates for higher education" and "in view of the effort made by the different actors of the Education System to make the certificates available".

The students are also concerned about the tuition fees in public universities and announced for last Saturday a vigil in protest, which joined the Movement of Angolan Students and other civil society organizations, against the government's intention to institute the payment of tuition fees from this year.


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