Ver Angola


Agostinho Neto University with more than 5000 vacancies for 2020

Agostinho Neto University, the largest in Angola, has 5310 vacancies available for academic year 2020, 215 more than the previous year, it was announced.


According to a statement from the University Office of Scientific Information and Documentation, to which Lusa had access, the registration for the 45 courses offered at the university's nine organic units take place from 2 to 11 January 2020.

Between the 5310 vacancies available, 4925 are for undergraduate and the rest for bachelor degree courses for teacher training for vocational technical education.

According to the document, the examinations take place from 20 to 25 January 2020.

In the academic year 2019, Agostinho Neto University, whose patron is the first President of the Republic, provided 5095 vacancies for nearly 40,000 candidates.

In the midst student demonstrations, this year, against tuition fees and fees in public higher education, the university does not clarify how much will be paid for enrollment in 2020, when in 2019 it cost 4000 kwanzas.

Mathematics, Anthropology, Social Communication, Computer Science, Engineering, Management and Public Administration, Law, Biology, Philosophy, Economics, Sociology and School Psychology are some of the courses offered by the largest and oldest Angolan university, founded in 1976.

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