Ver Angola


More than 350 people died of tuberculosis in Huila in 2019

At least 377 people died in the Huila province in 2019 of tuberculosis victims at Lubango Sanatorium Hospital, 45 more than a year earlier, a hospital source said, with more victims of pulmonary tuberculosis.


According to the hospital's clinical director, Lourenço Kotele, quoted by Angop, in 2019 the Lubango sanatorium diagnosed 2528 cases of tuberculosis, of which 1371 were confirmed as positive.

Pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis / HIV / AIDS, bacterial pneumonia, and bone tuberculosis are leading causes of death in the health facility, affecting mostly men aged 25-64.

Lourenço Kotele also lamented the late adherence of patients to the hospital, many of whom had "reduced immunity", pointing to the need for sensitization of the population in order to reduce the number of deaths from the disease by up to 5 percent.

In Luanda, in the first half of 2019 alone, about 680 patients withdrew from tuberculosis treatment at Luanda's Sanatorium Hospital (HSL), Angola's largest in the specialty, a situation considered "quite worrying" by the unit's leadership, which pointed to a reduction. of deaths in the period.

"At our hospital we are talking about over 4,000 cases we are following and we have seen almost 17 percent of patients abandoning treatment, which is quite worrying", the hospital's director general told Lusa in November. Rodrigues Leonardo.

According to the doctor, the abandonment of tuberculosis treatment in Angola "is still a serious problem, a situation that makes patients later become drug resistant", recalling that "two years ago tuberculosis became the third cause of deaths in the country".

Malaria is the leading cause of death in the country and hospitalization in hospitals, followed by traffic accidents.

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