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PR approves new loans worth 1.5 billion dollars

The President of the Republic authorized this Wednesday the signing of financing agreements worth 1.5 billion dollars.

: Ampe Rogério
Ampe Rogério  

The largest loan amount, 600 million dollars, is signed with the financial institution J. P. Morgan Securities plc, in the form of a total return SWAP (financial instrument) backed by the issuance of treasury bonds, to meet cash needs, according to the presidential order consulted by Lusa.

Another financing agreement, with Standard Chartered Bank - SCB, reaches 500 million dollars "with a view to reinforcing cash reserves, ensuring coverage of public investment projects and the import of food and medical supplies".

In another order, João Lourenço authorizes a loan totaling 400 million dollars to cover the Project to Strengthen the Social Protection System for Human Capital and Resilience, within the scope of the Executive's program on Human Development and Wellbeing Social.

The President of the Republic also authorized a financing agreement with Banco BIC Português, S.A. (EuroBic/ABANCA), with a global value of around 60 million euros, with the guarantee of Banco Português do Fomento, for the construction of the National Road EN 120, Cuima Section (Gove bypass)/Chipindo, a length of 56 kilometers including bridges, in the provinces of Huambo and Huíla.


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