Ver Angola


Cuanza Sul: expansion of water supply system has already started and will benefit 180 thousand people

The rehabilitation and expansion of the water supply system in the town of Waku-Kungo, in Kwanza Sul, has already begun. This project, whose first stone for the beginning of works was laid last Monday by the Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, will benefit 180 thousand inhabitants of Waku-Kungo.


According to a government statement, to which VerAngola had access, the project is expected to provide 20,000 household connections and 77 fountains.

The works will last 30 months, with the project including the "construction of a water treatment plant with a capacity of 800 cubic meters per hour, catchment and reservoirs".

Speaking at the laying of the first stone, Baptista Borges said that the proximity of the Keve River will allow for the "supply of drinking water to the inhabitants of Waku-Kungo".

According to the holder of the Energy and Water portfolio, cited in the note, the project "is part of one of the Executive's objectives, which aims to achieve an average rate of access to water in rural and urban areas of 60 percent, compared to the current 55 percent".

In turn, Mara Quiosa, governor of the province of Cuanza Sul, considered that the implementation of this project will guarantee the "improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants of this municipality".

In addition to the procedure for laying the first stone for the rehabilitation and expansion of this system, the minister also visited the works of the electrification project for the irrigated perimeter of the municipality of Cela, the statement also says.


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