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King Mandume Memorial


Inaugurated in 2002 by José Eduardo dos Santos, at the time President of the Republic, in the presence of the then President of Namibia, the memorial symbolizes the persistence and perseverance of King Mandume, who was eventually defeated by the Portuguese and British in the colonial period.

The memorial is located in the town of Oihole, in the province of Cunene, and is considered a mandatory place of passage for those who want to learn more about the stories of the country's ancestors.

King Mandume-ya-Ndemufayo was the last king of the Kwanhamas to fight against colonization.

To try to protect his land, the king fought a six-year struggle against the settlers, but was eventually defeated. One version of the story tells that the king died in battle, but some reveal that the king preferred to kill himself rather than lose to the enemy. After he was killed, the king was beheaded. His remains were buried where the memorial is today.

The memorial is located about 42 kilometers from Ondjiva in Namacunde.

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