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EU has 300 thousand euros to finance dialogue actions with Angolan partners

The European Union in Angola will make an additional 300 thousand euros available for projects that strengthen dialogue and cooperation between Angolan and European partners, it was announced this Monday.

: Facebook da União Europeia em Angola / European Union in Angola
Facebook da União Europeia em Angola / European Union in Angola  

According to a press release, the application period runs between November 4, 2024 and February 7, 2025 and training sessions will be held to support the preparation of applications.

The priority thematic areas of common interest are peace and security; good governance and human rights; economic growth and sustainable development; energy; transport; environmental sustainability and climate change; science and technology; teaching and training.

Dialogue Actions can be proposed and led by public administration entities in Angola and by institutions and agencies of the European Union and institutions with a public mission from EU Member States, with civil society organizations, universities and research centers, among others, can participate as partners.

"The proposals must contribute to the public policy dialogue between Angola and the European Union and to the objectives of Angola's socioeconomic development, including on themes linked to the promotion of the Lobito Corridor", says the statement.

Eligible activities include preparing and publishing studies, holding events (workshops, seminars, etc.), organizing study visits and exchange missions.

The first phase, between November 2019 and April 2024, of the European Union-Angola Dialogues program supported 15 Dialogue Actions.


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