Ver Angola


Sirius Awards return with the tenth edition. Applications open until February

The Sirius Awards, whose 10th edition was presented this Monday, will return to distinguish, in April next year, "good business management practices and projects with an impact on Angolan economic and social development".

: Facebook Governo de Angola
Facebook Governo de Angola  

Applications will be open until February 2024, says a Government statement, to which VerAngola had access. "The application process will take place until February 2nd of next year, on the portal", the note reads.

However, the new edition will bring new features to the application process, which will now have two stages.

"For the 10th edition, whose winners will be announced in April next year, the novelty is the two-stage application process. The first is expression of interest and the second is submission of the application form for the respective category by the deadline", says the statement.

Ana Dias Lourenço, First Lady of the Republic and also president of the award jury, highlighted that "in an economic and social environment" in continuous change, "the path of progress must incorporate recognition of the effort and resilience of organizations and personalities who stood out most in creating value and boosting the diversification of the economy".

"Today [Monday], in this public presentation of the 10th edition of the Sirius Awards, we highlight precisely economic diversification, leadership and entrepreneurship, technological and digital transformation, human empowerment and social responsibility", highlighted Ana Dias Lourenço, quoted in the statement.

According to the First Lady of the Republic, "the opening of applications", in the different categories, reflects "the most important areas of development" of the country "in the present and in the future", adds the note.

Furthermore, Ana Dias Lourenço also said that the jury "will deliberate again" on the attribution of a Special Prize, which aims to "highlight an area of fundamental value in society".

The president of the jury also took the opportunity to highlight that these awards are aimed at all provinces of the country, and that "good business examples" are not just limited to the capital. "I would also like to emphasize that these awards are aimed at all provinces of our beautiful and vast country. Good business examples are not limited to Luanda. Therefore, I invite all provinces to present their good examples of management and leadership", said, quoted in the statement.

The president of Deloitte Angola (promoter of the event), José António Barata, said that "the awards will, once again, be proof of the dedication, hard work and passion that each organization demonstrated on its journey", it reads in the statement.

Entities interested in applying will be able to present projects, to be developed in the country during 2023, in the following categories: Company of the Year in the Financial Sector, Company of the Year in the Non-Financial Sector, Entrepreneurship, Social Responsibility, Manager of the Year, Best Program of Digital/Technological Development and Best Human Capital Development Program.

In addition to Ana Dias Lourenço, as president, the jury for the tenth edition of Sirius is made up of José Octávio Van-Dúnem, Noelma Viegas d'Abreu, Francisco Queiroz, Paula Simons, Armando Manuel and Aia-Eza da Silva.


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