Ver Angola


Budget for 2024 will be voted on as a whole on December 12th

The proposal for the General State Budget (OGE) for the 2024 financial year will go to the final global vote on December 12th, the secretary of the National Assembly announced this Wednesday.


According to Manuel Dembo, the decision was adopted this Wednesday at the conference of the presidents of the parliamentary groups, led by the president of the legislative body Carolina Cerqueira.

The OGE 2024 proposal, approved in general on November 16th with only favorable votes from the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), sets expenses and estimates global revenues of 24.7 billion kwanzas.

The document, now under discussion by parliament's specialty committees, estimates that oil production, including gas production, this year should fall by 2.6 percent and predicts growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to 2.8 percent.

At least 57.8 percent of the total expenditure of this 2024 OGE, that is, 14.3 billion kwanzas, will be allocated to the service of public debt, internal and external, as stated in the report justifying the Government's proposal.

The conference of the presidents of the parliamentary groups also approved the agenda for the plenary session on December 7th, where the proposed laws on the Legal Regime of Public Funds, on Cryptocurrency Mining, on Gaming Activities, Insurance Mediation and Combating the Smuggling of Petroleum Products.

In the plenary session scheduled for December 7th, deputies will also vote on the request for a resolution for legislative authorization that authorizes the President to legislate on the Customs Tariff of Import and Export Duties.


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