Ver Angola


Privatization of TAAG should advance in 2022

The government plans to proceed with the privatization of TAAG in 2022. Transport Minister Ricardo D'Abreu revealed that the airline's privatization is part of the State Asset Privatization Program (PROPRIV).


The responsible, who was speaking this Monday to journalists as part of the celebration of the 44th anniversary of the creation of the Ministry of Transport, said that the flagship airline will be restructured.

TAAG's restructuring plan foresees the modernization, recapitalization and reorganization of the company, said the holder of the Transport portfolio.

In a statement sent to VerAngola, the authority reveals that it has "initiated efforts" to move forward with the "transformation of TAAG into a public limited company, removing the impediments that inhibited a greater involvement of the private sector in a sustainable manner, strengthening the sector and contributing to its greater international credibility, as well as to the dynamization of the national economy.

The Minister also took the opportunity to reveal that the Executive will no longer participate financially in the Luanda Metro Surface. This project will have a public-private partnership that should be officialized by the end of the year.

"We are accelerating the establishment of PPPs to begin the process of construction of the first line of about 30 kilometers of a total of 149 of the planned basic network," he said, quoted by Angop.

The transport sector contributes three percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and in the next two years has the potential to reach five percent.

"In terms of employability, it generates 40,000 formal jobs and 350,000 informal jobs annually, with a potential to reach 500,000 jobs in the next two years," the ministry noted, adding that "the fiscal contribution of transport should, in the next two years, grow between 30 and 50 percent, through the economic and social inclusion of informal activities in the formal market.


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