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Portuguese School of Luanda and teachers sign agreement and put an end to labor dispute

The Portuguese School of Luanda (EPL) and a group of 17 teachers who were in dispute over labor issues reached an out-of-court settlement, the educational institution announced.


According to a statement sent to Lusa, the parties signed an extrajudicial agreement on October 24, which has already been approved by a sentence from the 3rd Section of the Labor Room of the Belas District Court.

Previously "another agreement related to an action filed by another group of eight teachers had been approved by the competent legal authorities", added the EPL.

The institution said that teachers "are seeing their rights reestablished, following the complaints made, with the corresponding retroactive payments being paid by the school" and that the Ministry of Education recognized the justice of the demands, meaning it understood that it would also pay retroactive payments to other teachers at the school who had not filed any action against the institution, but whose rights had been affected.

The agreement was reached following a legal dispute that led to the seizure of EPL's accounts, in June, to pay a debt associated with salary adjustments, after an Angolan court ruled in favor of teachers who had a labor dispute with the school.

The EPL, created in the 1980s, was until 2021 managed by the Cooperativa Portuguesa de Ensino em Angola (CPEA), but from September 7, 2021 it began to be managed by the Portuguese Ministry of Education, after a dispute with some cooperators.

The Portuguese Ministry of Education had supervised the institution since 2006, although the school was administered by a private entity that had a management contract with the State.

When CPEA administration passed to the Portuguese State, there was no transfer of the teachers' employment relationship and to continue teaching, teachers had to sign a new contract, but lost benefits and remuneration, which the majority accepted.

However, several teachers decided to go to court to assert their rights.


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