Ver Angola


Products manufactured in ZEE will have access to the American and South African markets

The Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE) and DAI Global signed an agreement that aims to facilitate the export of products manufactured in the ZEE to the South African and American markets.

: Facebook Zona Económica Especial Luanda-Bengo
Facebook Zona Económica Especial Luanda-Bengo  

According to a statement from the ZEE, to which VerAngola had access, the signing of the "strategic memorandum of understanding that will facilitate access of products manufactured in the ZEE to the South African and American markets" took place this Tuesday.

The document was signed by the chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the ZEE, Manuel Pedro, and by the representative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Angola, William Butterfield.

"This agreement, established within the scope of the Africa Trade and Investment Program, promoted by the United States of America, aims to leverage Angolan exports, expanding the presence of agricultural and industrial products in international markets", the note reads.

According to the ZEE, this partnership aims not only to boost "production in key sectors of the national economy", but also to "create new opportunities for trade".

In addition, the note adds, the memorandum also "promotes sustainable economic development, with an emphasis on inclusive growth and innovation".


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