Ver Angola


Facial recognition becomes mandatory for booking visas for Portugal

Facial recognition has become a mandatory requirement for citizens who wish to schedule an appointment to apply for a visa for Portugal in Angola, announced VFS Global.

: Lusa

In a statement, to which VerAngola had access, VFS Global informs that this requirement is mandatory for all applicants over 18 years of age.

"We inform you that a facial recognition procedure is now mandatory for all applicants who wish to obtain an appointment to submit a visa application for Portugal at our Center in Angola (with the exception of those under 18 years of age)", the note reads.

VFS Global warns that "any attempt to avoid facial recognition by indicating a false date of birth will result in the visa application not being accepted".

Therefore, the company explains that to make an appointment online, applicants need to have "their passports on hand and use the webcam on their notebook/desktop or the camera on their cell phone".

When scheduling, informs VFS Global, applicants must enter their correct name, passport number and date of birth, as stated on the passport, warning that if the data in the "appointment request does not match those on the passport, the visa application cannot be accepted at the Portuguese Visa Service Center."


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