Ver Angola


Predatory hunting is putting migratory birds at risk of extinction in Cunene

Migratory birds are showing signs of extinction in the province of Cunene. The risk of extinction can be explained by predatory hunting, which has been a ‘headache’ for the Ministry of the Environment.

: Facebook Ministério do Ambiente-MINAMB
Facebook Ministério do Ambiente-MINAMB  

"Predatory hunting is one of the problems that the Ministry of the Environment has been struggling with, mainly with regard to biological diversity, terrestrial, marine, aquatic ecosystems, flora, fauna, microscopic fungi and microorganisms", says the Ministry of the Environment, in a statement to which VerAngola had access.

According to the guardianship, this slaughter could lead to their disappearance, given that they are voluntary animals, "intentional on a periodic basis and with the aim of finding food and good climatic conditions".

Biologist Nilza Gusmão says that it is necessary to put a brake on the practice of hunting, given that the protection of these species plays "a decisive role in maintaining ecology".

Cited in the statement, it said that the species "have the mission of transporting and dispersing agricultural seeds from one place to another, which contributes to the economy, fundamentally the conservation of ecosystems and facilitates the reproduction of diverse plants in different places".

It is worth noting that last October 12th marked World Migratory Bird Day, a date that aims to draw attention to the "importance of the species, conservation, its habitats", as well as increasing global awareness about the threats that migratory birds face.

According to the ministry, World Migratory Bird Day is celebrated twice a year, namely on the second Saturday of May, and in October, the 12th.

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