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Understanding corporate communication

Valdemar Vieira Dias

CEO of VALMONTEIRO, entrepreneur, specialist in Digital Marketing, Computer Engineer and columnist

The word “communication” comes from the Latin communicative, from communis (common), the action of making something common. In Portuguese it takes on several meanings such as: action or effect of communicating, participation, warning, information, coexistence or even moving from one point to another.


Communication is a prerogative of living beings that, organized in more or less complex societies, develop individual and collective relationships proportional to this complexity, with the main objective of satisfying the needs of individuals in society. In other words, communication can be understood as a social activity that manifests itself in various forms of social relations, with information exchange in which there is participation of individuals or groups.

Finally, communicating is sharing information, ideas, attitudes, making them common to others in more or less interactive processes that can occur in various ways.

Corporate communication

Corporate communication, also called organizational communication, business communication (as it was initially treated) and institutional communication, is a strategic factor for all organizations that aim for success. And despite being a key point in the corporate universe, many companies end up not giving due importance to this activity.

In the Angolan reality, I believe, the history of organizational communication has been evolving with the economic, social and political development of recent times. Although this evolution is still not satisfactory in general. What is your opinion, dear reader?

Corporate communication or institutional communication boils down, then, to a set of activities that involve the management and integration of all communications — internal and external — within an organization or institution, and that creates favorable points of view among people on which the organization depends. It is through corporate communication that the institutional image is established.

Corporate communication structure

In some literature that I have access to, there is "some confusion" surrounding corporate communication. In some cases it is confused with public relations, in others with communications consultancy.

In fact, talking about communication in organizations is talking about internal communication and external communication. Within internal communication and external communication we find several disciplines such as: public relations, communication consultancy, internal marketing, social media, organizational culture, among others.

Internal communication

Internal communication refers, fundamentally, to the flow of information between employees within the same organization. It involves the transmission and sharing of relevant and strategic information in a corporate environment.

This exchange can be done either vertically (between superiors and subordinates and vice versa) or horizontally (between employees at the same hierarchical level). Therefore, for the institution to achieve its goals, it is essential that effective communication is carried out between everyone who makes up the team.

Internal communication covers the totality of information disseminated in meetings, circulars, communications, emails, bulletin boards, internal rules, protocols, telephone calls, messaging applications or simple internal dialogues.

The messages sent by the organization need to be clear and objective to avoid noise that could harm the smooth running of activities.

Another important point is to build an organizational culture, as it prepares the "terrain" for the impregnation of information.

It is also extremely important to disseminate the vision, mission and values of the institution among the staff, so that everyone can move in the same direction.

In a broader view, to develop effective communication internally, internal marketing work is essential, which is a set of marketing strategies and actions used to promote, encourage and sell the institution's image to its employees.

In the case of internal marketing, there is also the work of enchanting employees in relation to the organization's own products and services, as the internal public can be its best customer and at the same time the best salesperson (even if they do not officially perform this function). ), because he is a reference for the institution outside of it.

Internal communication is definitely an indispensable tool for the success of an organization. Its concept advocates a more open, integrative and closer relationship with one of (if not the) most valuable asset(s) of any institution: employees. And this is essential to promoting a better service for your customers, having a more engaged team, having a strong organizational culture and a more competitive institution.

External communication

In turn, external communication consists of building a public image that adds results for the organization. It concerns the messages that the institution sends to society, which includes stakeholders (customers, suppliers, partners, potential investors, institutions and control bodies, in short, everyone with whom it interacts or even by whom it is seen).

External communication includes all communicative elements, from the brand, the slogan, the facade, to the company's market positioning, marketing, its advertisements and publicity, labels and packaging, plotting (large format printing) of vehicles, kit press (business card and other printed materials), relevant facts, interviews given, and even off-the-record opinions and comments (without the purpose of publication), etc.

The way an organization communicates determines how it is seen by the market and affects its business, as well as its results.

For this reason, communication must be carried out in an extremely responsible manner, as its consequences can be positive or negative. Therefore, it is essential that it is carried out with professionalism and planning.

Strategic decisions to expose the brand or product can be the greatest asset in achieving sales results. But the drive for business is the result of all the communication work.

Institutions need to maintain a good relationship with the press and partners, as well as with the community. Very well-prepared advisors and spokespersons are needed to perform well when making statements on behalf of the organization, whether at events, meetings or to the press.

The institution's presence on social media has become indispensable, however, these communication channels must be used effectively, which requires the production of specific digital content, with appropriate language (i.e., added value) and interaction with internet users.

Especially in times of social networks, effective communication management is even more imperative, as the quality and correct timing of the response to a problem or not, can be decisive in avoiding an image or reputation crisis.

Therefore, the area of corporate communication encompasses many strategic actions, for this reason, organizations that aim for the top should not neglect its importance.

Opinion of
Valdemar Vieira Dias

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