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NGO accuses police of intolerance for interrupting lecture on elections

A civil society organization accused law enforcement and security forces in the municipality of Andulo, Bié province, of “political intolerance” for having interrupted a lecture on electoral transparency.


"This attitude is totally aberrant, because until before this episode we experienced, we thought that acts of political intolerance were only experienced by political parties, seeing such an act being perpetrated against civil society is totally aberrant", said the coordinator of Jango Cultural, Luís de Castro, speaking to Lusa.

According to the leader of the non-governmental organization, the lecture, which took place on Saturday, in that location, was interrupted, in almost 15 minutes, by agents from the police, the State Intelligence and Security Service and the Criminal Investigation Service, who questioned proof of authorization to hold the meeting.

Luís de Castro says that 40 minutes after the start of the lecture "The traps of the Angolan Electoral System" defense and security personnel appeared at the site and wanted to enter the space, the comrades at the door did not admit it, creating "confusion".

"In conversation with the second municipal commander, he asked if we had authorization from the municipal administrator to hold the lecture, I promptly replied that there was no law authorizing the lecture," he said.

The person responsible for Jango Cultural said that although the lecture did not require authorization, the members of the organization informed the Andulo municipal administrator two days before.

"So, there was an uproar, which we later managed to control, we spoke to the police authorities and after almost fifteen minutes we managed to control the situation and continued the lecture", she highlighted.

Castro also questioned the motivations for the police intervention in Andulo, recalling that the intimidation began hours before the start of the lecture, when the organizers were having breakfast.

Albino Pakisi, philosopher, political analyst and one of the speakers at the aforementioned lecture, also deplored, in statements to Lusa, the constraints registered in the municipality of Andulo, classifying the act as "political intolerance directed at civil society".

"It was a very unpleasant situation, I at least left Luanda with the feeling that things were going well in the country, but after arriving there in Andulo it was a bit heavy", he highlighted, condemning the attempt to cancel the activity by the police.

Lusa tried to contact Andulo's administrative authorities, but to no avail.

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