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FAF creates working group for club league creation

The Angolan Football Federation (FAF) created this Friday a working group to design the technical, legal and material conditions for the constitution of an "autonomous body", a future league of clubs in the country.

: Momento de assinatura do
Momento de assinatura do "Memorando de Conformação" dos representantes dos clubes da primeira divisão  

In a press release, sent to Lusa, the FAF mentions that the creation of this technical group was effective this Friday with the signing of the "Memorandum of Conformity" of the representatives of the clubs of the first division.

The decision, says the body that coordinates Angolan soccer, comes in compliance with a resolution of the ordinary general meeting held on August 14.

Members of the technical working group are members of the judicial council, the technical sports council, the arbitration board and the disciplinary board of the FAF and three representatives appointed by the clubs.

Fernando Alves Simões, former president of Interclube, is one of the coordinators of the technical group representing the clubs.

The intention to create a Girabola management group aiming at "better conditions" for the beginning and development of soccer, with emphasis on the creation of an "installation committee for the institutionalization" of the Angolan soccer league was deliberated last June at a meeting of the presidents of the clubs of the championship.

On that occasion, the FAF management welcomed, in a press release, the initiative of the clubs, pointing out, however, "some confusion in the interpretation of the way and form of realization" of such a desideratum.

In the statement, dated 11 June 2020, the FAF also stated that an installation committee "has no competence to organize any type of competition.

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