The aforementioned commission considered the draft Presidential Decree approving the National Plan for Prevention, Protection and Support for People with Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases 2024-2027 (PLANAPREV).
The document, which is subject to final approval by the Council of Ministers, presents the operationalization method for the National Health System Expansion and Improvement Program, defined in the National Development Plan (PDN 2023-2027), which aims to ensure support , protection, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and assistance for people with chronic non-communicable diseases, namely hypertension, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, cancer and mental illnesses.
According to the Minister of Health, in addition to actions that have to do with the promotion and prevention of diseases, there are also actions linked to the treatment itself, with the biggest concern being the subsidy of medicines.
“This Plan will respond to this concern together, because this Plan has a multisectoral scope with specific actions in several sectors,” he said.
Sílvia Lutucuta also mentioned that there is a need to have real data on the prevalence and incidence of chronic diseases in Angola.
To this end, it will rely on the Ministry of Planning, the National Statistics Institute (INE), the public health areas and the entire National Health Service.
“We have to have a more realistic picture of what chronic non-communicable diseases we have in our country. Of those we talk about, a survey needs to be carried out, and this can only be achieved when good health promotion is carried out so that we can also work on prevention, with lifestyle changes”, he highlighted.
According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), cited by the minister, one in three people suffers from high blood pressure.
Diabetes, he said, also has frightening numbers and most chronic non-communicable diseases can lead to death and mortality is very high.
The data worries the head of the Health sector, who expressed the Government's desire to work hard on health promotion, so that people understand that the disease exists, what its clinical manifestations are and the need to seek health care.
The Committee for Social Policy of the Council of Ministers is responsible, among others, for monitoring and ensuring the implementation of policies and programs in the social area, evaluating and monitoring the development of capabilities in terms of investment and construction of human capital and reinforcement of practices institutional.
Systematically and objectively evaluating programs, projects and policies with the purpose of determining relevance, degree of achievement of objectives, efficiency in resource management, effectiveness, impact and sustainability are also responsibilities of this body.